Atticus and Tom

Atticus and Tom

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Reflection Perfection

Where to begin with the first marking period of junior year.  The year seems to be starting off exceptionally well. The first marking period is always hard, because everyone has to adjust from "summer mode" to "school mode." Once this has been done, everyone is ready to dive into another exciting school year.  I feel like To Kill a Mockingbird is a good book to start off the year.  It is not too challenging for the reader, but also teaches many valuable lessons that might be good to know for the year to come.  Junior year is always perceived as a very difficult year, with the PSSA's and SAT's, all combined with school work not to mention sports or co-curricular activities.  I felt that I have made the adjustment pretty well, making sure to stay ahead on assignments and keeping in contact with my teachers if help is needed.  The first marking period has had its unwelcome guests such as big tests, and other difficult projects.  As long as homework is done, then the year will go well.  This marking period was also the first time that we are getting to know many of our teachers.  It is one of the hardest things to go from one teacher's style and methods of teaching to another, but it is something that must be done.  I seem to really like a lot of my teachers, and knew most of them coming into the year.  I hope to improve all of my grades, not saying that they are bad, but show the colleges that I want to get into that I am making the effort to do well.  I hope to play water polo in college so I know I need to do well in school if I want that to be a possibility.

1 comment:

  1. Well greg,
    you are creative. you choose a great title. I hope you dont find this year to easy. We all gotta work hard and do better reading wise. We have great book group meeting. Your mom makes a good pie. Ha. I understand when you say the first MP has unwelcome guests. But it feels good when you get it done and do well.
